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[6pack] Classic Motorsports magazine

To: triumphs@autox.team.net, 6pack@autox.team.net
Subject: [6pack] Classic Motorsports magazine
From: "Lee Daniels" <lee@automate-it.com>
Date: Wed, 4 Nov 2009 00:42:21 -0600 (CST)
On Tuesday my mailbox contained a complimentary copy of Classic Motorsports
magazine, including a false cover containing an offer for reduced
subscription/extra issues if I subscribe. I'm guessing that they bought a
mailing list from TRF or maybe Road & Track.

I don't think I've *really* looked at this publication before, although I've
picked it up in bookstores a couple of times and thumbed quickly through it.
But since I had a long cross-country flight on this very day, I read almost
all the way through it. One of my first observations is that Tim Suddard is
the publisher, and that many names on the masthead look familiar. Because for
several years I subscribed to Tim's first magazine, Grassroots Motorsports.

Anyway - I'm impressed. Very nicely done, including contributions from Peter
Brock and a few others you might recognize. The cover article on "the ultimate
home workshop" is what first got my attention, and it does not disappoint.

I note that Moss and Vicky Brit and many other small Brit-car vendors/shops
advertise, but TRF is conspicuously absent. Charles is certainly a bit quirky,
but I can't believe that he wouldn't benefit from broader advertising.

I'm wondering if this blast of sample issues to potential subscribers isn't
another symptom of the trend of diving subscriber numbers for all print media.
Is this a last-gasp attempt to bolster subscriptions and avoid going under?

Just wondering.
  - Lee

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