Someone at Veloce Publishing must've been told that I need "help" with my
electrical skills. In the last few months I've received two books on the
subject, asking that I should read them and comment, if I wish to do so.
One was written by Martin Thaddeus, titled "Classic Car Electrics". A good
book, 96 pages with illustrations. Worth a spot on one's book shelf!
The other was written by Rick Astley, and written in greater depth with 196
pages and 375 color illustrations. The title is "Classic British Car
Electrical Systems". Lots of great stuff in this one, covering many of the
upgrades in ignitions, lights, alternators, ODs, fuel pumps, etc. Too many to
list. I've enjoyed going thru this one in particular, as it is written in such
a way that even I can understand it!
Neither book puts Dan Master's own works to shame, as Dan has written his
masterpiece soley for the TR Six, as should be first on anyone's list of
manuals for the TR Electrical Systems. Still, if you find you would like more
learning on the subjects, you can contact:
Dick Taylor
Support Team.Net