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Re: [6pack] Rear wheels 'appear' to vibrate

To: im_sloane@hotmail.com (im sloane)
Subject: Re: [6pack] Rear wheels 'appear' to vibrate
From: tr6taylor@webtv.net (Sally or Dick Taylor)
Date: Thu, 5 Jun 2008 15:49:14 -0700
A "guess" is all I can give you. Check the condition of the trailing arm
bracket bushings. They may be taking a set when moving ahead from stop,
with a load on the wheels. Worn bushings can change the wheel toe.


 From: im_sloane@hotmail.com(im sloane)

Hi guys,
Anybody have a guess or two to what this sounds like? When observing the
vehicle start off from stopped, the rear wheels seem to jump a little
bit, sort of a jiggle for the first revolution or so. We put the rear on
jack stands and let it run in 1st and reverse, and everything seems
smooth enough, no noticable wobble. It just 'looks' funny when you take
off. One U-joint was recentally replaced and the others seemed OK on
Sloane :)
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