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Re: [6pack] [TR] [Fot] Racing Goodies for Sale

To: John Macartney <standardtriumph@btinternet.com>
Subject: Re: [6pack] [TR] [Fot] Racing Goodies for Sale
From: <johnehorton@yahoo.com>
Date: Thu, 6 Mar 2008 15:53:56 -0800 (PST)
I am president of the DCTRA in Phoenix.  We just went thru a diatribe caused by 
a purest.  I managed to contain it.  The lists are for us Triumph people to 
exchange ideas and as necessary equipment.  If someone sells some thing to 
another so be it!  For charity I should think no problemo!   A commercial 
ongoing sale could cause this to become a commercial sales venue, I personally 
would have some umbrage on that!    John Horton

John Macartney <standardtriumph@btinternet.com> wrote: Hmm, not too sure where 
I stand in all this. Clearly I have periodically 'mis-used' the lists for 
the shameless promotion of the ST book I wrote some years ago and which so many 
people kindly 
ordered. Obviously I should have found other methods. However a further thought 
occurs. As many 
know, I'm undertaking a marathon drive across the States and Canada next year 
in a Stag and there's 
a very definite financial interest in that. Simply, its to raise as much money 
as I can for three 
charities - though I'll be making nothing out of it myself, other than writing 
another book about 
the whole trip. I've got a financial objective to somehow raise US$300k out of 
the trip and many on 
the lists have signed up for periodic updates of the event website and the trip 
If the prime objective of all the lists is to preclude any 'advertising' in 
which there is a 
prominent financial motive, I'm wondering whether I should keep my updates off 
these lists and only 
notify those who have signed up to the "Keep yourself informed" button on the 
I'd appreciate some fairly adjacent guidance please on how I should proceed 
from now onwards. I also 
apologise for having misued the lists in the past concerning my book.



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