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[6pack] Oberg Tilt Sling

To: <triumphs@autox.team.net>, "'6pack'" <6pack@autox.team.net>
Subject: [6pack] Oberg Tilt Sling
From: "Bob Danielson" <75TR6@tr6.danielsonfamily.org>
Date: Wed, 2 Jan 2008 17:06:26 -0500
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I'm going to pull the engine and tranny this week and picked up an Oberg
Tilt Sling to make life easier......or so I'm told. The only problem is that
their directions are lacking, at best. To paraphrase the directions: 1.
attach both ends of the cable before turning drum and 2. one half turn of
the drum with a 1/2" ratchet will tilt an engine up to 45 degrees. End of
directions. So I'm left to assuming, which always gets me in trouble. I
assume that releasing the Oberg locking bar will let me pull out sufficient
cable to attach to the engine and I assume that as you pull the engine up
and forward you can release the locking bar and the engine will hold its
position while you ratchet it to the angle you want. I also assume that
ratcheting in one direction raises the front and in the other direction
lowers the front.

As always.....thanks


Bob Danielson
1975 TR6 CF38503U
Running w/ Throttle Body Injection

Checked by AVG. 
Version: 7.5.516 / Virus Database: 269.17.13/1206 - Release Date: 1/1/2008
12:09 PM

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