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[6pack] List changes

To: 6pack@autox.team.net
Subject: [6pack] List changes
From: "Mark J. Bradakis" <mark@bradakis.com>
Date: Sun, 09 Dec 2007 23:34:49 -0700
In case you are wondering about that odd email welcoming you to a list
you already receive, I've switched 6pack@autox.team.net from

majordomo to mailman list management software.   Some things will be
different, some will be the same.  As before, if you want to send mail
to 6pack@autox.team.net you send mail to 6pack@autox.team.net
- you'd be surprised at how many folks can NOT figure that one out!

With Mailman, managing your subscription should be more web friendly.
You can go to the web pages listed in the messages and muck about with
your settings. One major change is that there is now just the one list
6pack@autox.team.net, the list 6pack-digest@autox.team.net no
longer exists. But this doesn't mean there is no digest format, it
just means that one doesn't need to unsubscribe from one list and
subscribe to the other just to switch formats. Go to the list pages,
log in, and select digest or non-digest as you desire.

Another handy option is the 'nomail' feature.  If you are going to be away
from your email for a while, you can set your membership to nomail, and
then back to regular delivery upon your return.  A bit easier than having
to unsubscribe and then subscribe again.

A useful way to make use of the nomail feature is to enable submissions
from multiple addresses.  For example, one might want to subscribe
a-student@diploma.mill.edu as your main address.  But sometimes you
send mail from work, so you can subscribe busybee@monolith.com
and set the second address to nomail.  So messages you send from
either address will pass the membership test, but you won't get multiple
copies of each list message.

RealSoonNow I'll have a web page that covers some more of the various
differences and features.


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