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Re: [6pack] Fuel Pump

To: Stuart Thompson <stuartt@tlthompson.com>
Subject: Re: [6pack] Fuel Pump
From: Robert Lang <lang@isis.mit.edu>
Date: Wed, 7 Nov 2007 10:40:02 -0500 (EST)
On Wed, 7 Nov 2007, Stuart Thompson wrote:

> My fuel pump is leaking right at the point where the line out tightens. I have
> tightened it as much as I think I can without over tightening it.
> I'm afraid if I tighten it any more I will end up stripping the threads or
> cracking the pump itself.  My house now smells of gasoline. Any ideas?

If I recall correctly, the "ferrule" on the pipe is a tad different than a 
normal compression fitting that you get at the hardware store. So, you 
might get one successful install / remove procedure before the ferrul is 
cocked up and you have to resort to other means...

But I had this problem many times on my street car.

One quick and dirty solution is to wrap some teflon on the ferrule (make 
sure you don't block the pipe!) so you form a new sealing surface. We have 
done this on the side of the road several times and the repair will last.

The "right way" to approach this is to pull the pump and the line and 
verify that the pipe is not cracked and that the ferrule is not "ovalled". 
If the ferrule is distorted, no amount of fettling will help and you need 
to make a new pipe (easily done with bundy tube (brake line) and a new 
ferrule). If the body of the pump is knackered, then your choices are 
few... you pretty much need to replace the pump.

Now - if you take your pump in/out regularly (some folks do this to 
facilitate oil changes with the stock oil filter canister), you might want 
to look into converting the pump to another connection method (like AN 
fittings). With a pipe-to-AN adapter and some drilling / tapping, you can 
make a beautiful connection that you can take on / off and never get a 
leak again. This is not a cheap solution, but it'll work and it won't 

One last thought on the matter. Some of the AN suppliers have sealing 
washers that you can use when the nipple or fitting gets boogered, you 
might try one of those (as opposed to the teflon tape material suggested 
earlier). I don't know what size you might want, but I'd expect AN4. AN6 
is pretty big (essentially 3/8").

Have fun!

> Stuart Thompson
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