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[6pack] thumping from gearbox cover

To: "6pack" <6pack@autox.team.net>
Subject: [6pack] thumping from gearbox cover
From: "John VanNorman" <jvannorman@wowway.com>
Date: Sat, 28 Apr 2007 20:25:16 -0500
One last question for the list today.  Took the TR6 out for the first
drive after having the gearbox rebuilt, installing all new clutch
components, a new plastic gearbox and drive shaft cover from TRF,
rebuilding the carbs, replacing the brake servo and master cylinder,
and installing new engine and gearbox mounts over the winter.  I'm
really impressed with how well she is running, so much better than
before ... with one exception.

Noticed a thumping/bumping noise coming from just under the gearbox
cover on the driver's side. With your hand on the gear box cover, you
could feel something hitting.  Doing a little investigating revealed
that the universal joint or some part on or around the joint is
rubbing the plastic cover (getting underneath the car and looking up
at the underside of the cover you could see some wear on the plastic).
Given the fact that it wasn't a constant grind but rather a thumping
sound, the frequency of which would increase when accelerating and
decrease when slowing down, I figure that some high point on the
universal joint or something around that area is hitting the cover.
Would the grease fitting stick out far enough to be hitting?  Has
anyone else ever had this problem?

I figure the best way to fix it (at least fix it without removing the
carpet and seats yet again!) would be to loosen the nuts on the cross
member that secures the rear gearbox mounting bracket and see if I can
push the gearbox towards the passenger side, then re-tighten it.  When
installing the gearbox we made sure everything was nice and straight,
but I guess the combination of the new engine and gearbox mounts and
the gearbox cover left too little wiggle room.  Of course, I guess
over time the mounts will settle and the gearbox will lower.  Any
other ideas?

Like I said, I did a lot of work on the car over the winter and I want
to thank you guys for all the great advice you've given me over the
past few years.  I truly appreciate it.  And for those guys in the
Buckeye Triumphs, I promise I'm going to join once my term on my
church's board of property management ends this year and my Monday
nights are free once again (trust me, I'd rather worry about
non-working engines than non-working heating and cooling systems)!

John V.
1974 1/2 TR6
CF 28149U

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