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Re: Aluminum crank pulley

To: John Mitchell <jmitch@snet.net>
Subject: Re: Aluminum crank pulley
From: "Robert M. Lang" <lang@isis.mit.edu>
Date: Thu, 15 Feb 2007 07:46:33 -0500 (EST)

The pulleys LOOK really nice. However, the TR6 needs the dampening of the
standard crank pulley/dampener, So, if you trailer your car to car shows
and are looking for ooooh - aaaah factor, I say "go for it". If you DRIVE
your car, forget it.

Oh, BTW, if you want to upgrade your dampener, apparently the crank snout
OD is the same as certain Ford V6 engines, so you can get trick _real_
dampeners from various sources (like ATI, FluiDampener and others). For
the really nice dampeners, you need to provide the vendor with your snout
OD with dimensions to 4 places (e.g. .0001)... they hone 'em to exact
dimensions. Think of that as another reason NOT to ut on a trick billet
pulley (e.g. what's the ID of the pulley? Is it correct for YOUR crank?).

Before you start a long thread on this one, think of one very important
factor. TR6 has some interesting crank physics and the cranks are very
prone to breaking. Without dampening that motion, your making the crank
twist / flex more. And if you say "well Bob, I don't race my car", well
that may be true, but if you DRIVE the car the crank sees these
"harmonics" at lower amplitudes at the lower RPMs. If I understand the
properties correctly, the "killer harmonic" is at 6300, that would be the
most likely the first harmonic. Second harmonic would be roughly 3150 (1/2
od 6300), more or less. Hmmm, just about 65 MPH. Think about it. Also,
numbers are plus or minus 100 RPMs or so.

So, if you wanna spend some  money on the TR6, a balance job and
lightening the reciprocating mass would have far more benefit for
longevity and provide "real" ooooh - aaaah for your TR6.

BTW, GT6 has better natural balance, but I'll cede to anyone with real
numbers on whether GT6 could "safely" run a piece like that. The answer is 

Last observation - at Mid-Ohio in 2002, there were some folks from the UK
there racing, including a guy with a wicked fast TR5, I think his name was
Chris Petch. At any rate, after he cracked up his car on Sat, we took a
close look at the motor and he was running _an aluminium pulley_.
INteresting. Of course, there was so much money in that car, I doubt
replacing the crank every few races was a factor. Really. But I just
thought I'd throw in "another data point".

Yours in reality.
Bob Lang              Room N42-140Q            |  This space for rent
Consultant            MIT unix-linux-help      |
Voice:617-253-7438    FAX: 617-258-9535        |  Cell: 339-927-4489

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