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Re: Fidanza Flywheel

To: kradicke@wishboneclassics.com, gln@worldpath.net,
Subject: Re: Fidanza Flywheel
From: GSFuqua1@aol.com
Date: Fri, 12 Jan 2007 02:02:19 EST
Kai, very nice plug for the club and also just another reason to check around 
before going to the "Bigger Hammer" tendency.  

We have had so many EXCELLENT articles in the last several 6-Pack Magazines.  
I simply can't understand why someone would not join and take advantage of 
that great storehouse of knowledge.

It has been a while since I changed mine but I used one from TSI and was very 
pleased.  I had no fitting problems.  Maybe just dumb luck but it sure picks 
them up and lays them down now.  

Cheers to all and I think judging by the various comments flooding the forum 
that our next tech article should be on rotors & pads, the good, the bad, the 
myth, the reality!!  What do you think?


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