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Re: "running on"

To: sullij@att.net (John G. Sullivan)
Subject: Re: "running on"
From: tr6taylor@webtv.net (Sally or Dick Taylor)
Date: Mon, 13 Nov 2006 12:23:21 -0800
John G.---Triumph recognized the run-on was a problem in their earlier
engines, and installed the anti run-on valve. These work great, by
supplying a momentary vacuum to the float bowls. They are hard to come
by, but there is supposed to be an aftermarket unit offered by an outfit
in England.  (It's in one of Roger Williams  "How to........" books_
Short of that, you may find it helpful to reduce the idle speed to as
low as you can live with.

Note if the (red) ignition light goes out when turning off the key. If
it doesn't, there could be a trickle of power finding its way into the
ignition system, usually thru the alternator. A diode can then used to
block this.


sullij@att.net(John G. Sullivan) 

I've just had the engine rebuilt on my 1970 TR6. I'm using a head which
was rebuilt about 2,000 miles earlier, two Weber Downdrafts, and
street/race cam. I notice that when I have been running the car
moderately hard, that when I turn the engine off, I sometimes have
"running on." No major attempt has been made to increase compression,
although, some minor decking of the head and block may have been done,
cylinder bore is .040 over, but standard height pistons. I found running
92 octane helped some; however, the running one continues. 
I speculate that there are some new "sharp" surfaces; however, am
concerned with potential long term damage to the engine. What does
everyone think might be adjusted? Changed? Replaced? 
Leaner mixture, 
Retard timing 
Pay a witch doctor 
Just go racing 
Thanks in advance, 
John Sullivan
1970 TR6

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