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license Plate Results

To: "6pack List" <6pack@autox.team.net>
Subject: license Plate Results
From: "Mark Bullard" <mbullard@hawaiiantel.net>
Date: Sun, 5 Nov 2006 16:46:54 -1000
Thanks all for replying, I had a pretty successful set of responses.  I have
attached the list below and as you can see, there are some pretty cleaver
people that own TR's. If I inadvertantly left anyone out, it was by mistake
and I apologize.  As for me, I really like "Hang 6" as suggested by Stan
Foster.  I think I will let that one settle for a while and see how it fits.


Mark Bullard
'74 TR6 (In Pieces)
Kailua, HI

      Owner Plate State Comment
      Darrell Ramsey IT LEAKS AZ
      Todd Bermudez TR 250 OH
      Todd Bermudez SIX PACK OH
      Stan Foster MYTR6 MA Noticed at NE Triumph event
      Stan Foster T-AH-6 NH Noticed at NE Triumph event
      Stan Foster HANG6 HI Suggestion for HI
      Aaron Cropley 1971 TR6 ME
      Joseph Alkana TRRIF6 WA
      Steve PLUMBTR CA 72 Damson
      Vic Snively VICS TR6 OH
      Saul Adelman TME MSHN OH
      Alex Manzo Reg Plate PA Old 70's HI plate on the front - Love it.
      Aldwyn FUNLIL6 MD On order
      Aldwyn TR6Y MD Aldwyn's wife Trixy's vote
      Irv Korey NOEFNMG IL Wanted to but SWMBO said no.  Son thought he was a
      Rich GR8 TR6 ? Thought these were great ideas.
      Rich TR6 2NV ? Thought these were great ideas.
      Dennis Culligan TR6IUMPH NY NY allow 8 letters - too many cars!!!
      Nameless CYA DE
      Jim Farris TRIFIC AL
      Mark 6XTHFUN OH
      Kevin McNelis BRI-ISH NM Friend of Kevin's
      Vance Naverette TOO 6Y  Am I surprised???
      Kai Radicke NOT MGB  Kai's photo collection
      Al Salvatore TR6 GUN  Plates Al has seen
      Al Salvatore 1 NSTY 6  Plates Al has seen
      Al Salvatore BAD 6  Plates Al has seen
      Stuart Thompson 1QUICK6  Suggestion
      Stuart Thompson 2ME 4ME  One I liked from Stuart's list
      Jack Mc CF870U  commission # appreciated by those in the know
      IM Slone TIMEFLYS NC Suggestions
      IM Slone TR6-T9 NC Suggestions
      Lynn Sedler-McLeer CHIX SIX NY Creative but I don't think this will
      Dave 42N86 ME
      Hugh Barber OD TR6 CA Plate when in CA
      Rick Patton TR6 ME Specialized plates allow for several of the same
      John Cyganowski MDLFCRS NH
      Mike Graham 73 TR6 ?
      Mike Graham 73 TR6 ?
      Bob TRSICK MA Dad, what does TRSICK mean?". The  Father replies "It's a
       British Car. It breaks down all the time"
      James Maddox 6-zilla NC Supercharged '75 TR6

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