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Re: Axel Keys

To: John & Allison Cyganowski <janah@att.net>
Subject: Re: Axel Keys
From: "Robert M. Lang" <lang@isis.mit.edu>
Date: Thu, 19 Oct 2006 08:13:48 -0400 (EDT)
On Thu, 19 Oct 2006, John & Allison Cyganowski wrote:

> Anybody rebuilt a rear hub lately?  How tight are the keys supposed to fit 
> into the hub axel?

Something tells me there's more to this question...

Have you pulled the hubs apart yet? If not STOP unless you have the proper
tool to pull it apart. Most of the projects end with knackered hub flanges
and/or mashed axle stubs... old news if you've been on the list for more
than a few days.

But if the hub is apart, the key is "staked" in place in the axle stub.
So, you need a drift and some force to get 'em out. If you have the old
hub completely dissasembled and you're trying to get a new key installed,
you need to clean up the edges around the staking mark then install the
key (and then re-stake). Note - while it's apart, get the axle stub crack
tested - look very closely near the stake marks and at the transistion
from the threaded portion to the (inner) bearing surface for cracks. Also
look for fretting or galling under the inner race surfaces. If any of
these are found (cracks, frettig or galling), TOSS THE PART.

I highly recommend using a service that regularly rebuilds these hubs to
do the work. It's money well spent. There's too many ways to screw this
job up and not checking the parts properly can lead to DISASTER, the
wheels leave the car in the worst case. Not pretty.
> John Cyg 

Sorry to be alarmist - this is one of my TR6 pet peeves: amatuer hub

Bob Lang              Room N42-140Q            |  This space for rent
Consultant            MIT unix-linux-help      |
Voice:617-253-7438    FAX: 617-258-9535        |  Cell: 339-927-4489

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