Here's a new one. I took out my gas tank to put in a new gasket at the
sending unit. Shipwright's set in, I decided to "slush out" the tank with
the kit from Moss. Step 1 is the cleaner to remove all the old sludge,
varnish, etc. BUT HOW DO I DRAIN IT OUT? I followed the instructions,
covered all the holes except the filler neck. put in the quart of stuff
mixed with a quart of hot water, sloshed it repeatedly at hourly intervals,
waited 24 hours. I can drain a lot of the cleaner through various holes,
the vapor tube, the exit pipe for the gasoline proper, even the hole for the
sending unit, but I can't completely drain the damn thing no matter what.
My next door neighbor thought I was a nut standing there holding the tank in
all sorts of attitudes, shaking the shit out of it!
Suggestions before I do the etching and coating?