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Re: Ignition problems

To: michael-sondergard@uiowa.edu (Sondergard, Michael L.)
Subject: Re: Ignition problems
From: tr6taylor@webtv.net (Sally or Dick Taylor)
Date: Tue, 12 Sep 2006 11:08:35 -0700
Michael---When this "nothing" happens again, try your horn or headights,
to be sure your battery connections are good. 

When starters are going south, it happens more often when the engine
compartment is hot, but the starter recovers as things cool off. This
hot-no start-action is only a warning that complete failure is near, and
a replacement starter could be necessary.

Clean/tighten the wire connections at the starter?

The '73 TR6 has no starter relay.



The ongoing ignition-related discussions rang a bell for me last night
when my '73 TR6 would not start. Turned the ignition key several times
with clutch engaged and nothing happened. No response whatever. Finally,
for whatever reason, bingo and I was off. This has actually happened
before, in the exact same way. Any idea what gives or how I can fix
Michael S 

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