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Problems with elongating Good Parts uprated Trailing arm

To: "6 Pack" <6pack@autox.team.net>
Subject: Problems with elongating Good Parts uprated Trailing arm
From: "Richard Seaton" <rsh17@msn.com>
Date: Mon, 11 Sep 2006 13:31:38 -0500
 Early in the spring I replaced Goodparts Trailing arm uprated bushings with
another set thinking that the person who aligned the rear end may have
buggered them up. They only have a few hundred miles on them. Strange thing is
that the hole for the TA bolt for the inner most bushing is elongated
again!!!! Alowing the TA to move about 1/4" in the bushing. NOW this is the
second time this has happened, so I'm not very pleased and am thinking I
should have used the rubber bushings or nylotron bushings. But of course I'm
suspicious that they may do the same, but nylotron does have a spacer to help
keep it from mooving. Not I did lube the bolt w/ silicone grease as suggested
by Good.

  So I am curious to find out from others that have been using these, has
anyone else experienced this? An easy way to tell is by lifting the rear end
of the car and grabbing the wheel at the top and bottom and pulling and
pushing looking for movement at the inner most bushing. I'm very unhappy that
this has happened again so quick.

Thanks, Richard Seaton

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