Finally started my car after many months - Gunst bearing, LUK clutch, lighten &
balance flywheel, engine thrust washers, clean up & paint oil pan, clean up
trannie & grease the sliders, adjust shifter, etc, etc. Shipwright's disease
seems a normal affliction with these cars.
Anyways, the oil pressure, - change one thrust washer to get endfloat back
in spec, clean gunk off bottom of pan, clean off debris on oil pump pickup
screen, install Moss HD oil pressure spring, new spin-on filter, 1 litre Lucas
oil stabilizer, fill up the rest with Castrol 2050.
After those agonizing moments with no oil pressure, bango, she hits 95, maybe
100 lbs at 1000 rpm. I've never had more then 80 lbs at startup in 9 years of
owning my 6, and that was when I had Strombergs racing up to 1400 at startup.
Have never done any engine bottom end work on the 6. Still had 80 with temp
gauge touching 1/2. Wonder what the pressure will be on a good highway run.
I almost forgot to notice how easily it goes into reverse with the new
clutch! I'll put the interior back together if the road test pans out.
I see there are, sigh, new gremlins in the turn signal electricals.
Bruce Simms
73 TR6 OD
Saskatchewan, Canada
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