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Re: Seat foam and head restraint

To: John VanNorman <jvannorman@wowway.com>,
Subject: Re: Seat foam and head restraint
From: Richard & Ruth <rcottingham@eastlink.ca>
Date: Sun, 11 Jun 2006 18:51:38 -0300
John - I just installed the foam and upholstery from Moss and I've seen the 
foam from VB.  If you want the original pattern, be aware that VB offers 
upholstery kits that are solid vinyl (no pattern).  You will have to check 
the catalogue to see if they offer the original (more expensive) pattern 
type, as well.  I was very pleased with the quality of the Moss Brirish-made 
upholstery.  Virtually the same as original.  The Moss foam kit did not 
include the strip that goes around the front of the seat.  Nor did it 
include headrest foams (which I didn't need).  Both of these items were in 
the VB kit that I looked at recently.

There are a lot of little tips that will be helpful.  Best to leave these 
until you have a chance to examine the kit.

Sorry - can't help you with the headrest question.  My bet is that you have 
to buy the whole headrest assembly.

Rich C.

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