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FW: Overdrive trouble ended

To: "6pack" <6pack@autox.team.net>
Subject: FW: Overdrive trouble ended
From: "Rick" <patton@suscom-maine.net>
Date: Sat, 27 May 2006 16:03:10 -0400
Hello All,

If any of you have been following along with my overdrive issues, I'm very
pleased to report that it is now repaired! The pressure gauge indicated
something was amiss as pressures as high as 900 psi were shown. Today I took
off the bottom plate and drained it for the forth time in two days. This
time the relief valve was removed and disassembled. At the top end of the
valve is a spring loaded relief valve and lo and behold it's tiny passage
was plugged with some black stuff. Cleaned it out and went for test drive.

The gauge was still hooked up on the last test ride and it showed almost no
pressure with the OD switch off and about 650 psi when engaged. It worked
perfectly. This particular OD unit is shimmed to increase operating pressure
from 400 psi to 600 because of the extra engine power and quicker

In my troubleshooting I swapped out solenoids to an old one from a junk pile
and now engagement is smoother than ever. You can watch the pressure slowly
build on the gauge with the actual lock up occurring about 350 psi. I wonder
if the original solenoid would turn it back into the hard slamming
engagements? Swapping back to confirm will have to wait for another day.
It's finally warming up and not raining!

thanks so much to all who responded to my questions!

Rick Patton
Brunswick Maine

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