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Rocker Arm Adjustment

To: <6pack@autox.team.net>
Subject: Rocker Arm Adjustment
From: "Saul W. Adelman" <sadelman@woh.rr.com>
Date: Tue, 25 Apr 2006 21:53:04 -0400

      It looks like the home stretch for putting the rebuilt 6 engine
together with a HVDA Toyota conversion transmission.  We are working on
putting the rocker assembly on and the roller rockers do not center on the
valve stems. This is with all the proper spacers and springs.  I am looking
for advice on how to shift the rockers over to center up.  Can you use
additional spacers for the difference?  Or does anyone have another or more
recommended way to do this. Thin Shim bearings?  I am not happy about where
they are since it could put more load on one side of the roller rocker and
or wear out the guides by putting pressure on one side of the valve stem and
pushing against the side of the guide.


If there is such a shim or bearing would anyone have the size (outer
diameter, inner diameter), of course not the thickness? 


Saul W. Adelman

Memosa TR6


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