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Re: Starter problems

To: Phil Beckman <phil@opentext.com>
Subject: Re: Starter problems
From: Grego Sanguinetti <grego@sandesco.com>
Date: Mon, 24 Apr 2006 15:45:13 -0700
Quoting Phil Beckman <phil@opentext.com>:

> I'm having an intermittent problem with the starter on my TR6.  It seems
> that it periodically gets "stuck".
> The majority of the time, I get in the car, flick the key and the cars
> starts right up.  However, ocasionaly I get in the car, turn the key and
> hear a faint click but the starter does not engage.  If I pop the hood
> and whack the starter a couple times with a wrench and then try starting
> the car again the starter engages and the car fires up.  I've replaced
> the solenoid thinking perhaps that was the problem but a new solenoid
> made no difference.  I've also made certain all the connections to the
> starter are tight and that the wires themselves are in good shape.

solenoid was my first thought also. But it could be your bendix spring.
It could also be a missing or bad tooth (teeth?) on your fly wheel.
Both of those could create the symptoms you describe.
check the teeth on the fly wheel first, then the spring or gear on the 


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