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Re: Puffy Tiger Racing

To: fasttrs@mindspring.com, gatriumph@gatriumph.com,
Subject: Re: Puffy Tiger Racing
From: GSFuqua1@aol.com
Date: Wed, 5 Apr 2006 01:41:41 EDT
I would echo that!!  I made the 450 mile round trip trek just to watch.  
Drove my 74 Magenta TR 6 (Most of you know it as Grape Ape) and it made the 
without incident and was VERY enjoyable.  This was the first longish trip I 
have made since doing the various modifications so it was a bit of a shake down 
trip too.  Man, what a ride and the races were just outstanding.  Way to go 
Friends of Triumph and all the other fantastic Triumph teams.

I have several (Read MANY) pictures that I will try to incorporate into the 
next issue of 6-Pack.  (For those interested the next issue of 6-Pack is 
complete and being printed as I write this.)  It was great to see many old 
(not in years of age!  Ha ha but in the sense of knowing each other).  It seems 
everyone had a good time except for the usual breakage during racing.  Larry 
you have got to replace ALL those liners!!  I just can't stand to see a good 
man down.  Tim you guys just kicked butt!!  Joe, you are the best!!!

Three Cheers for Triumphs!!!

Best personal regards,

Gary Fuqua
Classic Sports Cars
Editor 6-Pack Newsletter

Ps...If anyone has articles, technical or otherwise they would like to 
submit.  Please fire away!!  gsfuqua1@aol.com

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