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Re: Master Cylinder Problems

To: Rod Anderson <rod_anderson_99@yahoo.com>,
Subject: Re: Master Cylinder Problems
From: Todd Bermudez <red_tr250@yahoo.com>
Date: Mon, 19 Dec 2005 12:04:48 -0800 (PST)

I saw good suggestion of blowing air into the

My response would be give it 1 shot to rebuild, but
keep an eye on it.  I've gone through this exercise
several times & it always seems to end up leaking
again.  Brakes are not something you want to mess
around with.  Sorry, just bitter about having done it
& having it leak again...within a week!

My 2 cents,

Todd Bermudez

--- Rod Anderson <rod_anderson_99@yahoo.com> wrote:

> With the roads reasonably dry and the sun out here
> in Michigan, I planned to take Old Blue (74 TR6) out
> for some exercise before the really cold weather
> sets in. Backing down the driveway I experienced
> total brake failure.  No fluid in the large (disk
> brakes) reservoir.
>   There was some indicating of leakage below the
> master cylinder, so I decided to recondition the MC;
>  I was planning on doing this soon anyway, and had a
> kit on hand.
>   Taking the MC off the car was straightforward. 
> Disassembling the MC was something else.  For one
> thing, the Bentley manual doesn't mention that you
> have to remove the tipping valve using a 1/2" hex
> key (which I fortunately had on hand).     With the
> tipping value removed, one plunger and a spring came
> out easily.  The second plunger remains firmly
> inside the bore, however.  There seems to be spring
> pressure against some obstruction in the bore.
>   Question:  how do I get the secondary plunger out?
>   Many thanks for any assistance.
>   Rod Anderson
>   1974 TR6 Sapphire Blue
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