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eaton M62 supercharger

To: "6pack" <6pack@autox.team.net>
Subject: eaton M62 supercharger
From: "Alan Salvatore" <6parts@charter.net>
Date: Thu, 1 Dec 2005 01:13:19 -0500
I want to  add a supercharger to my 6.
I'd like to pick  up a rebuilt one and use it with Sal Vespertino adapter
Problem is identifying what M 62 is the correct application.
I sent some pictures that Sal sent me to a rebuilder and he couldn't identify
it. First he thought it was off a Jag and then said it was a Jackson Racing
unit which was really hard to find.  ( and the Jags never had the M62 )  I
probably need to try a different rebuilder)

Has anyone gone with a rebulit one and what kind of car did it come out of.

>From what i can tell there are 3 variations out there of the
M 62, 3rd generation:
 91 - 93 Pontiac Bonneville, buick rivera, lasabre, park ave

94-96 pontiac Bonneville

98-00 mercedes slk230

I don't think the last two are correct.

Anybody been there done that.


al salvatore
( last call on the A/C pulley )

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