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J-type OD on eBay

To: <6pack@autox.team.net>
Subject: J-type OD on eBay
From: "Navarrette, Vance" <vance.navarrette@intel.com>
Date: Wed, 23 Nov 2005 09:20:24 -0800

        There is a J-Type OD on eBay at the moment. It has the TR6
compatible output flange, and comes with the pump cam and speedo drive
bits (some of the speedo bits can be used with the TR6, some cannot).
The included extra bits would cost over $100 if purchased separately
from Moss.
        This is a reasonable deal for an OD if you are contemplating
adding an OD to your 6. I also have instructions on doing the conversion
on my web site, the URL is below.
        The auction number is 4592828845. Be sure to inquire as to the
condition of the internal clutch. They are robust, but they are a wear
item and if the OD is *very* high mileage the clutch may need to be
replaced. The clutch should be considered to be worn out if there is
0.040" or less remaining on the clutch lining. The person selling the OD
may not know the condition, but you should ask. Rebuilt clutches are
$225 with exchange from Quantum Mechanics. The rest of the OD is bullet
proof, so no worries there.

        Just an FYI,



Cogito Ergo Zoom
(I think, therefore I go fast)


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