I agree with Dick that it sounds like an electrical
problem. But....
If you confirm that it is not an electrical problem,
TR's have been known to plug the fuel supply line
from the tank. If all else fails remove the supply
line from the pump, open the gas cap and blow some
compressed air from the pump end of the line to the
tank. If there is junk there this should knocker loose.
Bill '70 6
----- Original Message -----
Date: Saturday, October 15, 2005 6:50 pm
Subject: TR6 Acting Completely Crazy - Who's Up to
this Diagnostic Challange?
> O.k. - Here goes nothing.
> Had to drive the 6 all week because F150 was in
the shop.
> Performed flawlessly all week. Left it out in the
rain one night
> because I had to stay at work and witness a 350
cubic yard concrete
> placement. Anyway, it started right up the next
day with a little
> choke for a minute or two as it always does.
Leaving from work,
> there were a few collegues looking to be impressed
so I gap it a
> little and take first up to about 6000 rpm which
for me is also
> quite a common practice. Two minutes later there
was a miss, then
> another then the engine wants to cut out at
lights. I limp it home
> feathering the choke to keep it running and I see
that the fuel
> filter is very empty, even though the tank is
full. I suspect the
> pump, get and install a replacement with no change
in the symptoms.
> The symptoms, BTW, are unusually inconsistent -
the car never
> wants to start and when it does, it's only with
the choke fully on.
> It'll run somewhat O.K like this for anywhere from
a minute to 10 mi!
> nutes and then just cut out. Sometimes there is a
backfire from
> my SU's but the bowls are full and the float
needles are clean and
> operational. Testing each and every one of the
plug wires suggests
> that all plugs are getting ample consistent spark
from the MSD 6A.
> No broken valve springs and compression is 155-165
across all 6
> cylinders (head is shaved). Timing is another
issue - never my
> forte, I can get the engine to remain running by
rotating the dizzy
> all the way to the right and disconnecting the
vacuum retard. It
> was running rally badly when I discovered the
dizzy changes things -
> lots of black and blue smoke, an obvious miss from
one or more
> cylinders and a knock then seemed to come from
the motor and the
> exhaust. Speaking of the exhaust, the sound is
terrible and sound
> like I am running an open pipe. Checking the
timing once the dizzy
> was rotated to the right with the retard
disconnected showed 4
> ATDC. Attaching the retart puts it about 12 ATDC.
> HELP PLEASE - spent the whole day with nothing to
show (except for
> the timing epifany).
> Cheers,
> Geoff Parker