I think I can help???
First, I need some additional information:
1) Can you be more specific as to the wiring of your original switch?
Mostly interested in what color wires run from which poles.
2) Does (did) the car have an anti-run on valve?
3) Could you also describe the wiring on the new switch?
I have switches from a 74, 75 and a 76 that are identical in wiring, but
have different numbers on them. Each has 6 posts around the circle. The
pin holes in the center are just assembly alignment holes. The 74 is
supposed to be like your original according to Bentley but as I said, it
matches the 75 & 76.
As for the black w/green wire that connects to the key switch, in the
Bentley wiring diagram for the 72 74 cars look at items 63 & 64 the key
switch and buzzer. It was to sound the buzzer so you would remember to take
the key out of the ignition after shutting off the engine. Some government
anti-theft thing. . . . .