Okay, listers. I looked through my 6pack archives and couldn't find the
definitive answer. I also looked at Ken Streeter's TR6 Painting Guide.
Will the real BRG paint color please reaveal yourself?
Seems like my '74 wouldn't have used paint code #75, which appears to be the
"official" TR6 BRG color (Dupont 43912) but only for '75-'76.
But then there's paint code #25, used from '69-70, which is apparently
"TRG", or Triumph Racing Green (no Dupont code).
Then there are Laurel Green (no Dupont code), which Piggott claims was BRG
for awhile in '70-'72 , and then Emerald Green.
I've even heard that the Jaguar racing green is closest to the BRG used most
often by British racing cars, but wouldn't be authentically TR6.
Google'ing the term yielded this great link
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/British_racing_green . Here's a quote:
"British Racing Green has British Standard Colour Code #BS 381 C, and can
range from dark green to nearly black."
Also see the Austin Healey lister's site:
suggesting that Lucas must have dabbled in the defenition of BRG and made a
mess of it.
Thanks for any advice on BRG and its modern paint codes.