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Re: Question on Mallory....

To: 6pack@autox.team.net
Subject: Re: Question on Mallory....
From: tr6taylor@webtv.net (Sally or Dick Taylor)
Date: Mon, 15 Aug 2005 10:43:42 -0700
Shannon---It is sort of true that you can orient the plug wires so that
it will fire #1 plug at the correct time. But you will be further ahead
time-wise to orient the rotor to where the points have just opened for
where #1 plug wire terminal is now located. (Usually somewhere between 7
& 9 o'clock) With the rotor near the center of this #1 terminal, have
the drive dog in position to get pinned.  With no tach cable to deal
with, the distributor can be turned to get accurate timing. Again,
you'll want the cap clips located for easy access, which makes the above
worth the extra effort.

Older Mallory distributors had the rotor keyway 90 deg. off from the
rotor tip, so note if there's a difference between yours and the stock
TR distributor.

Be sure your oil pump is being driven!


Shannon wrote:
Hello everyone, 
As in a post I started a few days ago, I decided to get a Mallory
Unilite distributor and convert my tach to electronic using the
expertise of APT Instruments (www.gaugeguys.com). 
My distributor is in, and I'm reading the instructions about installing
my drive dog on the new Mallory and I get confused. The instructions
mention nothing about the orientation of the drive dog in relation to
the rotor. 
My question: Is the orientation from the drive dog to the rotor
important? It seems to me that where ever the new drive dog is
installed, I can always compensate by moving the plug wires on the cap
and/or turning the dizzy. Does this seem right? 
Thanks for any advice,
72 TR6 

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