Dennis Costello wrote:
> On July 5, Don Malling replied:
> "When the lower cruciform was removed we welded additional plates on the
> vertical sides of the frame
> rails (inside the cruciform area."
> Do I understand correctly, the reinforcing was welded to the sides of the
> frame rails, effectively "boxing" the open end of the "C" section? Could
> the open ends of the box section created by the top and bottom cruciforms
> and the frame rails be enclosed also? Perhaps with some openings for brake
> and fuel lines??
> -Dennis
> CF8659U
Not sure I undersand you, but nothing was boxed in. We simply reinforced the
vertical sides of the
frame rails by welding another layer on. It was an effort to prevent the frame
from bending (front
to back) at that point and opening the gaps at the tops of the doors. You
can't box in the
cruciform area because the exhaust pipes pass between the upper and lower
cruciforms. I probably
don't understand your post.
Don Malling