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Back to Brake Fluid for a Moment

To: "6pack" <6pack@autox.team.net>
Subject: Back to Brake Fluid for a Moment
From: "John & Allison Cyganowski" <janah@att.net>
Date: Sun, 12 Jun 2005 21:40:25 -0400
Hi All-

I take the list messages in journal format.  Journal 1600 had a terrific 
discussion about brake fluid.  I really want to thank everyone that was 
involed in that discussion.  I leaned a lot.

So, my master cylinder decided to leak like a sieve not long after I got my 
car (figures).  That is okay because the clutch master decided to do the 
came thing (naturally). I think this is how my transmission wound up with a 
fe chipped gears etc.  Anyway, whie the tranny/OD are our for repairs, this 
is now a great time to deal with some of these issues (Yes, summer is the 
time to drive the car. However, it is also warm enough to work on it as 
well). The clutch system is no problem.  I have this totally out and when I 
put it back together, I will use DOT 5.  However, I was not planning to take 
my brake system totally apart.  The discussion mentioned the other day that 
DOT 5 will float when mixed with the other brake fluids.  If this is so, I 
can forsee trouble trying to flush the calipers in place with DOT 5 since 
the calipers are bled from the top.  I suppose it would be possible that the 
DOT 5 could bypass and float through the other stuff.  What does the group 
think?  I suppose I could remove calipers and air purge them and air purge 
the lines as well.


John Cyg.

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