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Re: Front Side Light Removal?

To: Original Music <originalmusic@adelphia.net>
Subject: Re: Front Side Light Removal?
From: Don Malling <dmallin@attglobal.net>
Date: Sat, 11 Jun 2005 13:39:21 -0400
As I recall, mine were held on with studs in the chrome fixture and nuts on the 
underside of the 
fender. You should be able to simply reach inside (on the underside) the fender 
and remove the nuts. 
  Chrome fixture comes right off.

Don Malling

Original Music wrote:
> Hi. Front Side Light Removing on a TR250 (or TR4)? Could someone please
> describe the removal of this chrome piece? I've popped off the trim pieces
> up to this piece and although it is a little loose, I'm afraid to yank on it
> too hard. How is this attached and what is the best method of removing them
> without damaging the fixture or the rubber gasket?
> Bob
> TR250

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