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6-PACK Update

To: 6pack@autox.team.net
Subject: 6-PACK Update
From: "mjmullin@juno.com" <mjmullin@juno.com>
Date: Wed, 8 Jun 2005 12:34:40 GMT
To all 6-PACK members:

Matt Mullin here; 6-PACK Chairman and infrequent list poster.  It is my 
understanding that the most recent issue of the club magazine is at the 
printers, and will be mailed soon.  This will be the Spring '05 issue, so the 
good news here is that we're making strides toward getting caught up with the 
newsletter schedule.  There will be an insert in the magazine regarding the 
TRials in Little Switzerland.  In addition, registration forms and other 
information are available on the 6-PACK website.  (I hope you're all enjoying 
the new, user-friendly website.)

In addition, there will be a notice in the newsletter advertising the open club 
officer positions of editor and regalia coordinator.  We are continuing our 
search for a magazine editor, and in addition, we require someone to fill Jeff 
Slaton's position regarding regailia production, sales, and shipping.  Please 
join me in thanking Jeff for his years of service to the club, including the 
produciton of numerous T-shirts, and the forever-in-progress grille badge 
project, which I was glad to see come to fruition several years ago.

I won't go into the details here, but feel free to contact me off the list if 
you would like further information regarding these two very important club 
positions.  It's a great way to give back to the club, plus, there are fringe 
benefits.  The editor position is somewhat specialized, and now is the time to 
raise your hand if you feel you have the skills and can help us out.  If we 
don't find an editor soon, I have threatened to take over the position myself, 
which means the newsletter will be produced via mimeograph (you remember the 
smell of barely-dry mimeographed paper from grade school, don't you?), and we 
don't want that to happen!

Thanks for your consideration, and thanks for everyone's continuing suport of 
the Club!  Lookin' forward to North Carolina!


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