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Speedo Berzerkosity

To: 6pack@autox.team.net
Subject: Speedo Berzerkosity
From: michael lunsford <mblunsfordsr@yahoo.com>
Date: Wed, 11 May 2005 06:18:36 -0700 (PDT)
I recently had an identical problem with my speedo moving around between 60 and 
80 at about 70 mph.  You could just average them but I dropped out of 
engeneering in college because of calculus II and the aging process has further 
dimmed what little mathematical abilities I may ahve had.  Nevertheless, I 
removed my speedo which was not much trouble but the reinstallation is another 
matter.  As previously suggested I also removed my speedo cable and discovered 
too much grease on it (I wish I could blame it on a DPO but I did it myself).  
After removing the grease I still had the problem so I removed the speedo 
(again) and disassembled it.  I discovered some grease had gotten into the pan 
looking thingy on the back of the speedo (technical term-don't try this at 
home) that spins around and tells the speedo needle how fast you are going.  I 
sprayed a can of carb cleaner into the pan thingy and eventually all of the 
grease was dissolved.  I then sprayed a very small amount of good oil
 onto the worm gear mechanism that drives the spinning thingy and reassembled 
it.  It seems to work fine now though I only drove it a few miles since the 
Mike Lunsford, 1970 TR 6  
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