When i pull my rotor button off it pulls the shaft up 1/4". When this happens
i have to wiggle the shaft back and forth to get it to go back down. Today the
wiggle didn't work so i took it partially apart.
If you have one without the breaker plate on it you'll see 2 small riveted
things (2 rivets each) and 2 large spacers that seperate them. The spacers have
a hole in them, a pin from above fits in the hole and holds them in place. When
the shaft comes up it pulls the 2 pins up and out of the spacers. I was just
lucky quite a few times and wiggled the pins back in, not this time.
So the question is what holds the shaft from coming up that 1/4"? I
disconnected the 2 little springs and pulled the whole shaft out, the only
thing that holds my shaft down at all is the 2 small springs.
Anyone run into this b4?
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