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AGAIN with the thrust washer(s)!?!

To: 6pack@autox.team.net
Subject: AGAIN with the thrust washer(s)!?!
From: Pete Kronberg <pete_kronberg@yahoo.com>
Date: Thu, 28 Apr 2005 15:28:07 -0700 (PDT)
Hi Everyone,
After a slight interruption due to...life...I'm back on the List. I've had my 
'76 for about 2 1/2 years, and was always hell-bent on accurately checking my 
end-float. I ended up dropping the pan because I couldn't get an accurate 
enough reading via the pulley. 
Measured .009, so it's just starting to go. Now I'm ready to replace! However, 
when I pulled the rear main bearing cap and rotated the crank...I only 
retrieved 1 of <what I thought were> a pair of washers. Hmmm...spun the crank, 
slid the first one back in and around...nope. That's all I've got in there! To 
further confuse things, I checked w/ Haynes and Bentley both...they refer to TW 
in the plural- in text and pics! So does every reference in 6-pack archives, 
which I checked thoroughly before pestering this august body with redundant 
questions on a popular subject.
So, I'm looking at this thing, realizing that the TW diameter doesn't match the 
bearing cap! It only fits in the block ABOVE the crank! Does this mean that 
only half of the crank journal is in contact at a time? It would seem so...
Now to my question. Does the plural reference mean that you usually slide more 
than one of these into place to achieve proper end-float? I'm pretty sure that 
this car has never had it's bottom end rebuilt, and it only has about 81K 
original miles...
Thanks in advance,
CF51563U in Vt.
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