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Amp gauge reading

To: 6Pack@autox.team.net
Subject: Amp gauge reading
From: "Walter Fogle" <lbc4me@hotmail.com>
Date: Sat, 23 Apr 2005 03:58:59 +0000
I'm in the process of a weekend Spring tune-up. I have started by installing 
a new Lucas Sport coil, dist. cap, and rotor.  A trip to the parts store 
tomorrw will see the new sparkplugs.  Points and condenser will also be 

Now, when running, the amp gauge settles at about the 1/3 C+ range.  Before 
anything was done the gauge would typically settle at center point.  My 
biggest concern is that this reading represents some other problem.  Any 
thoughts or suggestions will be appreciated.

What's better though is that the car starts and idles much better with only 
these small changes.

Walt Fogle
'72 TR6

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