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Re: Adjustable needles: "Orthopedic Shoes"

To: 6pack@autox.team.net
Subject: Re: Adjustable needles: "Orthopedic Shoes"
From: tr6taylor@webtv.net (Sally or Dick Taylor)
Date: Thu, 21 Apr 2005 12:31:09 -0700
 Vance, and List----Included is correspondence about this subject from
Burlen Fuel Systems. We know them to be a major supplier of parts for
our ZS and SU carbretors.

First, I must agree that the ZS carburetors CAN use needles other than
the B1AF that came with the TR6. With that acknowledgement, I will
"stand corrected".  In fairness, Vance showed that these are not a
direct bolt-on, but a can-do, given the patience necessary to accomplish
My original post stated that "some machining was necessary to get other
needles to fit" 

From: info@burlen.co.uk(Burlen Fuel Systems) Date: Thu, Apr 21,
2005, 4:27pm (PDT+8) To: tr6taylor@webtv.net (Sally or Dick Taylor)
Subject: RE: 'Email from Web Site' 
Dear Sir, 
The only needle we have listed as standard fit to this carb is the B1AF.
This was fitted across the range of TR6         models. There
are no weak or rich needles listed. In order to select a tuning needle,
which I presume is why you wish to change, you will need to visit a
tuning specialist with a rolling road. 
Kind Regards
Mark Burnett

-----Original Message----- 
From: Sally or Dick Taylor [mailto:tr6taylor@webtv.net]
Sent: 19 April 2005 21:45
To: Burlen Fuel Systems
Subject: 'Email from Web Site' 
Greetings from Los Angeles. 
The Haynes Workshop Manual for the ZS Carburetor shows many needles
specified to fit the " biased, adjustable needle". In the past I had
inquired about this and was told "this was in error. Machining was
necessary to make them as such". My question to you is: Are these
needles now available, and can they be exchanged for the B1AF needle as
is fitted to the late model 
(adjustable) carburetor for the TR6? 
  If not, what needle besides the B1AF can be used without fitting
Dick Taylor

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