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Differential Seals

To: 6Pack <6pack@autox.team.net>
Subject: Differential Seals
From: ronald weber <rmweber_99@yahoo.com>
Date: Tue, 19 Apr 2005 07:38:29 -0700 (PDT)
I'm glad to report shipwrights disease is alive and well here in Central PA! 
While waiting for the body shop call and start the painting process on my '71 
TR6, I decided to pull the rear end out to fix some pesky little oil leaks in 
the differential. After wrestling with a three jaw puller for a while and 
getting nowhere, I now have the inner axles free of the drive flanges (thanks 
to some persuasion with a 12T press). After cleaning up score marks on the left 
taper that must have been as a result of a prior effort by the DPO,  I can 
refit new seals and put things back together. My question to the group concerns 
fitting the oil seal housing to the diffy case. Is there any benefit to using 
any sealant on the joint between the diffy and the seal housing or is it just 
assembled dry? If a sealant is used, what type?
As always, I sincerely appreciate any comments and feedback by the group!
Ron W
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