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Re: Modern Stereo

To: John & Allison Cyganowski <janah@att.net>,
Subject: Re: Modern Stereo
From: Todd Bermudez <red_tr250@yahoo.com>
Date: Wed, 13 Apr 2005 18:46:46 -0700 (PDT)
and i ran, i ran so far away:)  just remember "video
killed the radio star"  creepy...the 1st video played
on mtv...something to be said about the theme of that

i used a die grinder(whiz wheel) for mine.  for the
corners...a simple file.  i would suggest it over any
type of reciprocating saw as it tends to push & pull.


--- John & Allison Cyganowski <janah@att.net> wrote:
> I am one of those "purists" - you know - stock
> distributor and everything. 
> ;-)
> Except when it come to my tunes man! So I have a
> Sony CDX L350 that I am 
> going to install. Any concerns about noise?  I have
> the old 5 wire Lucas 
> (Genuflect here) 15 ACR.
> So anybody got any advice concerning cutting the
> console?  That Aluminum is 
> Thick. I am considering using a variable speed Saber
> saw with a metal blade.
> I don't think I own anything recorded after 1982.  I
> promise not to play 
> Flock of Seagulls or the Motels!
> John Cyg
> Jalopy
> CC52927LO 
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