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Re: Using later style caliper piston in TR250 early TR6 16P

To: Richard Seaton <rsh17@msn.com>,
Subject: Re: Using later style caliper piston in TR250 early TR6 16P
From: Don Malling <dmallin@attglobal.net>
Date: Mon, 04 Apr 2005 23:26:01 -0400
Hi Richard,

I got my 16P calipers apart and your description was quite correct. I just 
didn't get it.

The 16P and 16PB calipers are quite different with respect to how the dust 
cover attaches to the 
caliper. There is no way that a 16PB piston and dust cover could be put on a 
16P caliper.

I don't understand how anyone, especially Nelson, could think that it was 
possible to use the later 
16PB piston and dust cover on a 16P caliper. It's just not not even remotely 
possible. The only 
thing I can think is that for some time Triumph or Girling moved to the new 
16PB caliper design, but 
was still labeling them as 16P. Perhaps that is what Nelson was working with 
and what led him to 
document what he did.

BTW, I got the pistons out by first ripping off the dust cover and then 
loosening them with a pipe 
wrench. Then I used 2 ft carpenters pipe clamp on it and wiggled them back and 
forth until they came 
out. I can see why my front brakes stopped working.

Don Malling

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