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More on Rust

To: <6pack@autox.team.net>
Subject: More on Rust
From: "Michael Corbitt" <Michael_Corbitt@ous.edu>
Date: Sun, 03 Apr 2005 11:51:23 -0700
A little more on rust.   As I start working on refurbishing the innards of my 
doors, I want to take care of the surface rust that appears to be in the bottom 
of my door.  I've cleaned this area up as best I can and made sure the drains 
are open.   What tools can be used to get in there?  Tough area.  I'm more 
interested in knowing the best way to treat the small channel where the outside 
skin attaches to the bottom of the door?  I would like to make sure that any 
rust that might be down in there gets stopped or at least considerably slowed 
down.   Is POR-15 good for this?   What are some of the best practices for 
handling this area.  Thanks for the help. 

Don, on another note, when you talked about the difficulty of getting rust out 
of the pits in some of the cast iron engine parts, it seems the EVAPO-RUST 
product mentioned in the Moss catalog might be just the thing.

Corvallis, OR

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