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Re: 6-PACK Magazine editor & Club Website

To: 6pack@autox.team.net
Subject: Re: 6-PACK Magazine editor & Club Website
From: "Mike" <74@tr6world.com>
Date: Fri, 25 Mar 2005 15:08:32 -0500
I would like to thank Corey Sherman for his hard work and dedication to the
editor job. It is a thankless job and Gary is right...... most of the time,
the editor job is not recognized until there is a delay or problem. Corey's
is a consultant for his dailiy job (living). Every hour spent on the club
magazine is time away from making a living. Kerry did take our newletter
and move it towards a magazine format. Corey has taken the position and
maintained the quality..... and in some respects, made it a more refined
piece. I need to be careful here because both of these guys (Kerry & Corey)
are very good and I don't want to slight either of them.
My hat is off to Corey. Thank you for your dedication to the club.

One more quick note regarding the club website. We are getting close to
opening our new site up (weeks) There are a few more details to work out,
but, what will be new for everyone (members and non-members) is the fact
that all of our forums including the "members only tech forum" and the 
are all under one website and will be available for everyone including 

This list is a great resource, but it is fluid....... meaning that the emails
are difficult to follow over time.... The forums can take a topic and have
continual conversation per topic in a "thread" type environment that can
last for years and still be under one topic line.... You will see what I
mean when the forums open back up.
We have no intention of changing anything with this list. But now, there
will be yet another resource for all TR6 & TR250 enthusiasts to use.
Also, club members......... We are uploading all of the tech articles from
the 6-PACK magazine from the past 20 years. If you are a current club member,
you will have access to these articles. Currently, I have about 70 uploaded,
with alot more to go. I will keep you posted.
Those who want to join or renew, please be patient as I have turned off the
membership renewal part of the website until the new store is up and running.
Stay tuned as more information about the website will be announced at a later

As always, I appreciate your patience and support with all of this.

One more thing..... if there is a person on this list who is really good
at php coding along with some database background, I could use your help.
Contact me off list at websixpack@6-pack.org if you are interested.


Mike Brinker
6-PACK Webmaster

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