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Front & Rear Spring Coil Height

To: 6pack@autox.team.net
Subject: Front & Rear Spring Coil Height
From: ronald weber <rmweber_99@yahoo.com>
Date: Wed, 16 Mar 2005 08:38:52 -0800 (PST)
Another short question. The previous owner of my TR6 provided me with an extra 
set of springs he picked up somewhere that appear to be brand new. 
Unfortunately, there are no markings on them to indicate whether or not they 
are indeed for a TR6. One set has a free height of 10.3" with seven coils and a 
.490" spring stock diameter so I surmise these are for the front. The other has 
a free height of 11.5" with 9 coils and a .515" spring stock diameter. I 
measured the rear springs currently in the car and they're about 10.5". My 
question is: Are these springs the correct ones for the TR6? If they are, I can 
use them to refresh the suspension along with the poly bushings I'll be 
installing. If not, I'll scrap them. 
Ron W. 
71 TR6

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