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Re: Rear hub question

To: Mark Hooper <mhooper@digiscreen.ca>
Subject: Re: Rear hub question
From: "Robert M. Lang" <lang@isis.mit.edu>
Date: Mon, 14 Mar 2005 11:45:26 -0500 (EST)
On Sun, 13 Mar 2005, Mark Hooper wrote:

> I appear to have a bent shaft on one of my TR6's rear hubs. A nice
> 1/4" wobble on the wheel makes for another of the fine high-quality
> british vibrations I've been experiencing. So a question. It's been a
> long time since I took that unit apart. Do the rear shafts come out of
> the wheel bearing hub without having to disassemble it? I had the
> bearings done about 300 miles ago, however I guess the shop didn't
> notice the shaft problem. From the image on my catalogue, it appears
> just to be held in with the large nut and a key on the shaft. However
> I just can't remember if it's possible to repace the shaft without
> re-doing the entire bearing. I actually did the bearings myself once,
> but it involved large presses, cursing and invocations to Vulcan. Not
> going there again.

Check the runout of the hub flange. If the shop that did your work didn't
have the proper Churchill rear hub tool, there is a virtual certainty that
your hub flange is bent. If that is the case, it's game, set, match... you
need a new hub flange.

I won't rant about the use of the proper tool right now, I don't have the

As for the axle stub, if that is bent, I take back everything that I said.
However, the axle stub appears to be hardened, so if it's bent, there's
probably a crack (may even more than one crack) and that means the stub
axle is toast.

I'll bet your silution isn't going to be a $50 worth of labor. I'm
thinking that you'll be tossing one component or another here.

As for the dissasembly of the hub, you take of the big nut and press
(with the right tool) and the hub flange seperates from the axle stub. If
you reassemble, you need to loosen the adjusting nuts and you need a new
collapsible spacer (min) to do the job. If either the flange or the axle
is bent, your seals are probably toast too.

> Mark
> 1972 TR6

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