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Recommended reading for body work

To: 6pack@autox.team.net
Subject: Recommended reading for body work
From: "siberian" <siberian@siberian.org>
Date: Tue, 08 Mar 2005 14:31:05 -0800
I'm just an amateur and I can pretty well muddle my way
through anything I set my mind to however this TR6 is a
pretty large undertaking and before I start really attacking
it I was wondering if anyone had and reading recommendations
for basic body work.

My only other option is to constantly nag the list with the
most basic of basic questions or to sit down for a few
nights an do some reading.

So, before I blindly by outdated materials for amazon anyone
have any pointers? 

I'm planning on stripping the entire thing down to metal and
bringing it back eventually to its Jasmine Yellow but
between 'chemical strip' and 'waxing' there are a ton of
discrete steps to take :)


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