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Re: Emergency Brake

To: 6pack@autox.team.net
Subject: Re: Emergency Brake
From: tr6taylor@webtv.net (Sally or Dick Taylor)
Date: Wed, 23 Feb 2005 23:17:37 -0800
Neil----Just to be sure your rear brakes are adjusted properly, you
should be able to "lock the wheels from turning" with the adusters.  If
you can lock them, then back off on the adjusters a couple of turns on
each side to where the wheels barely turn.  Next, pull up the hand brake
(from the rest position) about five "clicks". Then adjust the brakes
again to where the wheels won't turn. Releasing the handbrake should
free up the wheels.

If the problem is still just in the handbrake cable mechanism, you'll
need another pair of eyes to watch the movement of the cables during the
pull-up manuever.


Neil wrote: 
6pack@autox.team.net Subject: Emergency Brake 
Im trying to get adequate handbrake pressure and have run out of
adjustment on the handbrake cable. Any suggestions? 
I believe the rear brakes to be adjusted correctly 
Neil Hightower 
74 Sapphire TR6 

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