Bill----Others share your opinion of the PDWA, while I have never found
it to be a problem. I recently changed the O-rings, but only because I
had the part out, as necessary to paint the engine bay.
Take out the end plug and the shuttle will pop out when compressed air
is sent in thru another opening. (Or bang it on a wooden block) Plug the
switch opening with the appropriate bolt.
You should then be extra diligent that all of your braking system is
working properly, of course, as you have removed the safety feature.
Bll wrote:
I am of the opinion that the PDWA is a Royal PITA ... is it possible
to just gut the sucker and do without???
Bill---It sounds like the new, purple brake fluid never got as far as
the rear brakes. Possibly the PDWA switch shuttle shifted to the side,
blocking off fluid going this direction. (Your BRAKE warning light
should have glowed, warning you of this, if it's functioning.
Check the operation on how this PDWA works, if not famiiar with it. It's
in the Bentley. Once this shuttle is centered, fluid should flow to the
rear brakes with the bleed screw opened. No vac, necessary.
Keep the smaller, front section of the fluid reservoir
topped up, as this is the side that goes to the rear brakes.