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Re: Glad I carry a fire extinguisher - headlight switch

To: Terry Geiger <tgeiger@ShoalsBritishCars.org>
Subject: Re: Glad I carry a fire extinguisher - headlight switch
From: Bill <william.mcintire@wright.edu>
Date: Fri, 18 Feb 2005 15:25:43 -0500
Excellent idea!  I've done that with my Speedster and the same thing is 
going to happen to the TR6 as soon as it gets un-mothballed. Sure takes 
the load off semi fragile electronics.
'70   6

Terry Geiger wrote:

> I've seen this on several TR6s.  I think this happens for two reasons:
> 1) The headlight switch can't carry the load, especially when upgraded 
> headlights that require more power are installed.
> 2) The circuit is unprotected so if anything goes wrong then you can 
> easily have a fire.
> Here are some steps I took to prevent this:
> 1) Install a 30 amp automatic reset breaker on the 12v feed to the 
> headlight circuit.  If something goes wrong, the breaker will trip and 
> try to reset after it cools down.
> 2) Install two relays to handle the load of the headlights and parking 
> lights.  The switch will merely power the coil on the relay and the 
> relay will supply the power to the lights, therefore unloading the 
> switch of any real load.
> I added these components under the dash.  There is ample room directly 
> behind the headlight switch on the firewall.
> Terry Geiger
> Florence, Alabama USA
> http://www.shoalsbritishcars.org/
> '74 Triumph TR6 (for sunny days)
> '84 Mercedes Benz 300D Turbo Diesel (for the wife to drive)
> '90 Chevy S-10 (to fetch parts for the first two)
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