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More gremlins

To: "6pack" <6pack@autox.team.net>,
Subject: More gremlins
From: "R. Ashford Little II" <70TR6@mindspring.com>
Date: Mon, 14 Feb 2005 11:09:54 -0500
I think that my car is pissed at me for not driving it much lately - the car
was laid up while I got around to having the U-joints replaced.  Anyway, I
shared with you my issue with the brakes, which I'm working on, and would
like to thank everyone for their replies.  However, the issues don't stop


I was very excited to go out driving my car if only for a short time on
Saturday when it wouldn't start.  I went though the normal stuff but didn't
check the timing since I KNEW it was spot on.  Well, since car still refused
to start, I did check the timing and it was wayyyyy off.  It was so far off
that the distributor could not rotate enough to get it right.  This
necessitated removing the distributor and the drive dog to get things back
inline.  I accomplished this, but what would cause my timing to get that far
out of whack?


R. Ashford Little II

'70 TR6 <http://www.ralittle2.com/> 

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